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Candace Ahlfinger

Unusual Food in Budapest

On our first visit to Budapest we had seen a delicacy that we were too full to try, but this trip we were able to achieve the goal. (I'm always eager to try the "strange" foods from other places. Who knows what other places consider "strange" that we eat?!?)

We found that Getto Gulyas, located near our hotel in the Jewish Quarter, served stews including Kakashere-es tarejporkolt feher parasztkenyerrel, aka Rooster Testicles and Cocks Comb Stew. The stew was excellent and worth the search, although I’m not certain the roosters would agree! Service was good and the menu featured other local stews that are hardy enough to keep you warm on a cold day. (Notice that my husband is still smiling after trying the stew. He pronounced that it was excellent!)

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